
これは『戯れ言』です。また、“Diary”ではなく“Dialy”です。つまり、日記に似て非なるものです。 所謂『日記』ではありません。お間違えの無いようお願いします。(^^;A

dnetc on GeForce (CUDA)

全然進歩では御座いませんね。 orz
Bugzilla Bug 4030をよく読んでみたら、8600GTと8800GTのベンチが載ってました。

dnetc v2.9102-508-GTR-08121316 for Win32 (WindowsNT 5.1).
Using email address (distributed.net ID) 'philippe@faure.ca'

[Dec 19 00:05:16 UTC] RC5-72: using core #0 (CUDA 1-pipe 64-thd busy wait).
[Dec 19 00:05:35 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #0 (CUDA 1-pipe 64-thd busy wait)
0.00:00:16.25 [81,527,027 keys/sec]
[Dec 19 00:05:35 UTC] RC5-72: using core #1 (CUDA 1-pipe 64-thd sleep dynamic).
[Dec 19 00:05:54 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #1 (CUDA 1-pipe 64-thd sleep dynamic)
0.00:00:16.25 [81,366,291 keys/sec]
[Dec 19 00:05:54 UTC] RC5-72: using core #2 (CUDA 1-pipe 128-thd busy wait).
[Dec 19 00:06:13 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #2 (CUDA 1-pipe 128-thd busy wait)
0.00:00:16.40 [81,815,103 keys/sec]
[Dec 19 00:06:13 UTC] RC5-72: using core #3 (CUDA 1-pipe 128-thd sleep dynamic).
[Dec 19 00:06:31 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #3 (CUDA 1-pipe 128-thd sleep dynamic)
0.00:00:16.48 [80,047,542 keys/sec]
[Dec 19 00:06:31 UTC] RC5-72: using core #4 (CUDA 1-pipe 256-thd busy wait).
[Dec 19 00:06:51 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #4 (CUDA 1-pipe 256-thd busy wait)
0.00:00:16.53 [79,930,236 keys/sec]
[Dec 19 00:06:51 UTC] RC5-72: using core #5 (CUDA 1-pipe 256-thd sleep dynamic).
[Dec 19 00:07:10 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #5 (CUDA 1-pipe 256-thd sleep dynamic)
0.00:00:16.73 [73,565,144 keys/sec]
[Dec 19 00:07:10 UTC] RC5-72: using core #6 (CUDA 2-pipe 64-thd busy wait).
[Dec 19 00:07:28 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #6 (CUDA 2-pipe 64-thd busy wait)
0.00:00:16.14 [82,719,683 keys/sec]
[Dec 19 00:07:28 UTC] RC5-72: using core #7 (CUDA 2-pipe 64-thd sleep dynamic).
[Dec 19 00:07:48 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #7 (CUDA 2-pipe 64-thd sleep dynamic)
0.00:00:17.10 [79,758,307 keys/sec]
[Dec 19 00:07:48 UTC] RC5-72: using core #8 (CUDA 2-pipe 128-thd busy wait).
[Dec 19 00:08:06 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #8 (CUDA 2-pipe 128-thd busy wait)
0.00:00:16.21 [71,020,560 keys/sec]
[Dec 19 00:08:06 UTC] RC5-72: using core #9 (CUDA 2-pipe 128-thd sleep dynamic).
[Dec 19 00:08:26 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #9 (CUDA 2-pipe 128-thd sleep dynamic)
0.00:00:16.93 [70,620,523 keys/sec]
[Dec 19 00:08:26 UTC] RC5-72: using core #10 (CUDA 4-pipe 64-thd busy wait).
[Dec 19 00:08:45 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #10 (CUDA 4-pipe 64-thd busy wait)
0.00:00:16.15 [76,264,222 keys/sec]
[Dec 19 00:08:45 UTC] RC5-72: using core #11 (CUDA 4-pipe 64-thd sleep dynamic).
[Dec 19 00:09:04 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #11 (CUDA 4-pipe 64-thd sleep dynamic)
0.00:00:16.39 [76,697,616 keys/sec]
[Dec 19 00:09:04 UTC] RC5-72: using core #12 (CUDA 4-pipe 128-thd busy wait).
[Dec 19 00:09:23 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #12 (CUDA 4-pipe 128-thd busy wait)
0.00:00:17.03 [70,631,611 keys/sec]
[Dec 19 00:09:23 UTC] RC5-72: using core #13 (CUDA 4-pipe 128-thd sleep dynamic).
[Dec 19 00:09:42 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #13 (CUDA 4-pipe 128-thd sleep dynamic)
0.00:00:16.51 [69,902,125 keys/sec]


{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 MY System:\par
XP Pro 64, Version 2003, SP2\par
AMD X2 5200\par

  • bench\par

distributed.net client for Win32 Copyright 1997-2008, distributed.net\par
Please visit http://www.distributed.net/ for up-to-date contest information.\par
Start the client with '-help' for a list of valid command line options.\par
dnetc v2.9102-508-CTR-08121911 for Win32 (WindowsNT 5.2).\par
Please provide the *entire* version descriptor when submitting bug reports.\par
The distributed.net bug report pages are at http://bugs.distributed.net/\par
Using email address (distributed.net ID) 'nodcs4me@yahoo.com'\par
[Dec 20 15:08:02 UTC] RC5-72: using core #0 (CUDA 1-pipe 128-thd).\par
[Dec 20 15:08:19 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #0 (CUDA 1-pipe 128-thd)\par
0.00:00:14.53 [299,875,439 keys/sec]\par
[Dec 20 15:08:19 UTC] RC5-72: using core #1 (CUDA 2-pipe 64-thd).\par
[Dec 20 15:08:36 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #1 (CUDA 2-pipe 64-thd)\par
0.00:00:14.28 [303,366,378 keys/sec]\par
[Dec 20 15:08:36 UTC] RC5-72: using core #2 (CUDA 1-pipe 64-thd).\par
[Dec 20 15:08:54 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #2 (CUDA 1-pipe 64-thd)\par
0.00:00:15.93 [273,870,661 keys/sec]\par
[Dec 20 15:08:54 UTC] RC5-72: using core #3 (CUDA 1-pipe 256-thd).\par
[Dec 20 15:09:11 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #3 (CUDA 1-pipe 256-thd)\par
0.00:00:14.93 [290,828,685 keys/sec]\par
[Dec 20 15:09:11 UTC] RC5-72: using core #4 (CUDA 2-pipe 128-thd).\par
[Dec 20 15:09:30 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #4 (CUDA 2-pipe 128-thd)\par
0.00:00:16.06 [252,730,234 keys/sec]\par
[Dec 20 15:09:30 UTC] RC5-72: using core #5 (CUDA 1-pipe 64-thd sleep 100us).\par
[Dec 20 15:09:48 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #5 (CUDA 1-pipe 64-thd sle ...\par
0.00:00:16.18 [265,328,395 keys/sec]\par
[Dec 20 15:09:48 UTC] RC5-72: using core #6 (CUDA 1-pipe 64-thd sleep dynamic).\par
[Dec 20 15:10:07 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #6 (CUDA 1-pipe 64-thd sle ...\par
0.00:00:15.96 [274,440,495 keys/sec]\par
[Dec 20 15:10:07 UTC] RC5-72: using core #7 (CUDA 1-pipe 64-thd busy wait).\par
[Dec 20 15:10:25 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #7 (CUDA 1-pipe 64-thd bus ...\par
0.00:00:14.57 [300,691,526 keys/sec]\par
[Dec 20 15:10:25 UTC] RC5-72: using core #9 (CUDA 4-pipe 64-thd).\par
[Dec 20 15:10:43 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #9 (CUDA 4-pipe 64-thd)\par
0.00:00:16.18 [262,444,878 keys/sec]\par
[Dec 20 15:10:43 UTC] RC5-72: using core #10 (CUDA 4-pipe 128-thd).\par
[Dec 20 15:11:02 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #10 (CUDA 4-pipe 128-thd)\par
0.00:00:16.60 [202,495,659 keys/sec]\par
[Dec 20 15:11:02 UTC] RC5-72: using core #12 (CUDA 1-pipe 64-thd sleep gput ...\par
[Dec 20 15:11:21 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #12 (CUDA 1-pipe 64-thd sl ...\par
0.00:00:16.11 [267,409,707 keys/sec]\par


  • 8600GT: 80 Mkeys/s
  • 8800GT: 270 Mkeys/s
  • 9600GT: 170 Mkeys/s

上記の引用中では、8600GTでは14 core、8800GTでは11 coreが並列に走っているように見受けられます。
LINK先のpageにある情報の写真では2 core、下方の写真では1 coreでしか走っていないように見受けられます。