
これは『戯れ言』です。また、“Diary”ではなく“Dialy”です。つまり、日記に似て非なるものです。 所謂『日記』ではありません。お間違えの無いようお願いします。(^^;A

醜い言い訳だ w


  • Asked why the E-M1 lags behind the GH3 when it comes to video quality

Mr Terada says: “We are concentrating on priority matters, specifically establishing nice still image quality. This is our priority as a camera manufacturer and our reputation on the market is for still.”

苦しいなぁ。“still”の画質が優先? だったらその豆粒素子やめよろ、ゴルァ!
GH3に動画で勝てないから言い訳してるだけだろ w

  • Regarding the FF vs APS-C vs FT sensor size matter

he says: “I also feel that the balance of portability and IQ is what puts MFT above APS-C. The image quality is almost the same but the portability is totally different. Then, if you compare the lens size – DSLR, APS-C, and mirrorless APS-C – their lenses are much bigger than ours. I don’t think everyone will go to FF; only those who really need it will. But many journalists say that the E-M1 covers a lot. Somebody said 99% can be covered.”

IQってのはImage Qualityのことか?
対あぷしーではバランスだとぬかす。挙げ句に、image qualityがalmost the sameだと。呆れる。
一方で、「皆がFFに行くわけではない」だと。そりゃそうだ。が、意味のある台詞ではない。「 I don’t think everyone will go to APS-C」や「 I don’t think everyone will go to MFT」も同様に真だ。stillのIQ優先なら、FFやOver135に行けよ www

だいたい、OM-Dって高杉なんだよ、豆粒素子のくせに。E-M1はもとよりE-M5でも高杉。1/2程度の価値しかねーよ。1/3なら買ってやる www